
فروشگاه دانشجو

1001 سوال

۲ بازديد
دسته بندي نمونه سوالات دانشگاهي
فرمت فايل doc
حجم فايل 58 كيلو بايت

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Questions Category Description

001–100 Light & Easy Simple, light-hearted topics

101–200 Personal Profile Personality traits and behaviors

201–300 Preferences Likes and dislikes, favorites

301–400 Blast from the Past Past personal experiences

401–500 Just Imagine Speculation and imagination

501–600 Viewpoints Opinions and perspectives

601-700 Hard-Hitting Deep and challenging themes

701–800 From the Heart Feelings and emotions

801–900 Spiritually Speaking Basic spiritual subjects

901–1001 Extreme Spiritual Matters Complex spiritual issues

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